Sunday, January 18, 2009

People I Don't Like, Part a Million: Guy Fieri

Ever seen this guy? I hate him. He's so unbelievably Los Angeles-y that it makes my eyes bleed. The stupid bleached hair, the terrible wisp of a beard, the ridiculous pseudo-slickster shirts ... ick. And he's apparently supposed to be a great chef or something -- what self-respecting chef would do ads for TGI Friday's? And moreover, how do you sell out when you have nothing to sell in the first place? 

And then there's the fact that the TGI Friday's ads try to call him a "food dude" -- no. No, and again, no. Look, foodies aren't macho, and never will be. And never should be. Sous chefs will never call each other "bro," and that's a good thing. It kind of reminds me of a show on HGTV that was a pathetic attempt at getting some male viewers -- these two chunkheads would make an end table or something, but halfway through they'd stop and be like, "hey, man, let's shoot some hoops!" And then they'd actually start shooting hoops as part of the show. Then they'd do a big chest bump and chug a beer and scream "HGTV! Woo!" into the camera. Then they'd start making out. And you were sitting there, thinking "What the hell happened to the end table?" 

But HGTV finally cut that show and now is devoted entirely to gay men and the women who love them, and that's how it should be. ESPN doesn't try to bring in female viewers by broadcasting scrapbooking parties. HGTV should stick to their demos.

What was I talking about? Oh yeah, Guy Fieri. I think that's all I have to say about him. Hm. This wasn't as rich of a vein as I thought it was when I sat down. And this is the best I can muster after two weeks of inactivity. Pathetic. Maybe some other folks should join in here. How about it, two readers? Any interest in contributing your own posts? Seriously, why not?


emily said...

Everyone hates Guy Fieri. The best part about his fame is that he has almost no credentials. He won a reality show contest on the Food Network called "The Next Food Network Star". Food Network obviously seems confused about how reality shows work. You promise that the winner will be the next top model, or a successful business man, and then you instead give them several weeks of Today show appearances and then complete ostracization from their profession of choice. Anyway, the Food Network must have instead promised this tool a lifetime contract and, like, three shows. It's completely unfair to people who actually might be qualified to have cooking shows. It's also unfair to the viewing public, who generally hate watching useless douchebags venture outside of the reality show arena.

emily said...

Also, I find the gender issues to be very interesting in cooking. Somehow, all these top chefs have created a very male dominated field, full of the usual bullshit involved in male dominated fields. Lot of machismo, being a total dick to other people, snorting coke off of strippers, etc. Yet the rest of the country still sees cooking as a wifely duty, and laments the tragedy of women who can't cook. Their poor husbands and children! It's such a strange dichotomy.

Chris E. Keedei said...

I have seen reality show winners be good hosts, like the winners of "Design Star" -- but yeah, he probably should get a show based on a career instead of a few weeks. And those gender issues are intriguing -- it's like, can't there be one field where being a macho douchebag doesn't make you rise to the top? (Again, maybe only interior design.)

steph said...

You have a 3rd reader!