Sunday, January 24, 2010

Things I Love: Black People

Black people are awesome, aren't they? Yep. Not that I really know any. Sadly, I don't have a single black friend. I live in the Twin Cities, which is not exactly an African-American mecca. Not that that's a valid excuse, since we do have some. I also don't have many friends, period. So there's that. There was a black dude at my old job who was pretty awesome, but he was too nice. Hard to joke around with someone who has trouble saying a mean word about anyone or anything.

But I see lots of black folks on TV, so that counts for something, right? Right? And music -- probably 80% of the music I listen to is made and performed by black folks. I just don't think white people are really that great at making music. Sorry, white folks -- just a personal preference.

And I've also seen a lot of comedians pontificating in a ribald and irrevent fashion on the hilarious differences one may find between white and black people. Man, white people are so lame! One I've never heard is one I've noticed the most, though. (And rest easy -- it's not funny.) Black folks have a tendency to walk right in the middle of traffic. I find this very odd. It'll be in the middle of the street, right in my path, so that I have to see them and slow down.

Maybe it's just a cultural difference -- for me, there's always an implicit assumption that any car will always keep going forward exactly at the same speed, and if you have any potential of meeting its trajectory, you will die. Black folks apparently think there are human beings behind the wheel who will see them, not want to hit them, and slow down to avoid doing so. Considering how most people behave behind the wheel, I think that's a potentially tragic leap of faith.

Has anyone else noticed this? Or am I a racist? Those are your two choices. Go.

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