2. The Honk Specifier: Since I first became able to drive, I've decried the inspecificity of honks. A honk is the only way to communicate with fellow drivers, and it is the most clumsy and blunt tool imaginable. A single honk can mean:
- Fuck you!
- Hey, pay attention.
- Excuse me, do you mind terribly? Thanks!
- Hey, I know you!
- Oops, I slipped and hit my horn.
- I was just in a crash and am dead.
So I propose a whole set of different honks. They would vary in pitch, and each pitch would mean a different thing. You'd have a high pitch for "move ahead please!" and a low pitch for "Go to hell." And maybe you could have a second sound for the location that you mean to direct the honk. Maybe the car could just say "North!" And it would always have to identify the sender of the honk, maybe by automatically tacking on "blue Honda!" assuming you drive a blue Honda. So if you were in a blue Honda and wanted the car in front of you to know that the light has turned green and it's time to go, your car says "North from blue Honda, (polite, high-pitched beep)!"
But that could be awfully noisy. Maybe instead you need an electronic news-ticker style thing on top of your car. You'd need four, one for each direction -- then you could light it up only in the direction of the person to whom you're honking. So you press the direction and type of honk. Each type of honk automatically corresponds to an intended message, and puts it on the correct electronic sign.
Then when you hear a honk, you look to see if you can see an electronic message. If you don't see one, you're in the clear, but if you see something saying "Move your ass!", then you know that that specific car is telling you specifically to move your specific ass.
You do run into the problem of too much thinking being required for each honk. But really, wouldn't that be good? Now people honk at the drop of a hat -- wouldn't it be nice if people had to stop and think for at least a split second exactly what they mean to communicate and to whom? Maybe you wouldn't end up with people honking like morons in the middle of a traffic jam that is no one's fault.
And I guess you'd still have to have a "panic" one that you can just quickly hit in an emergency. But if you did the "panic" one in non-emergencies, you should get arrested, or something. I haven't worked out all the bugs. But you get the idea.
Since I actually hate potpourri, I won't be investing in your first invention. I do like the honk specifier even though I think the idea got kind of complicated at the end. You have actually been talking about the honk specifier for a really long time, and I actually think about the need for it often.
I don't remember you talking about the honk specifier, Ed, back in college, but I'm sure I would have gotten a kick out of it then if you did. I miss the horns of my small cars, the little beep beep horns. So friendly! I have a big MAAAANPH honk now and it always sounds mean and nasty, even when I'm just trying to say, "by the way, the light is green and I can see that you're looking at the yogurt you just spilled in your lap."
I will buy your fart sweetener. For the love of god, let's get that fart sweetener on the market. And it's not for me, by the way.
Right on! My publicity campaign for my unmade inventions is going strong. And you wouldn't have to have the fart sweetener smell like potpourri -- it could be any number of scents. You could use some popular perfumes or colognes. You could make it smell like Cheetos. There are endless possibilities.
I'm not sure about the honk specifier. Seems like it would take up a lot of time to enter all the necessary info. By the time you've told your car to say, "Dear sir in the off-white Corolla, the light is no longer red for us. We may proceed to our destinations now! Beep!", the dope in front of you will already have figured it all out, and will have wasted precious driving time that you could have spent texting all your friends and neighbors. Or tweeting, for gosh sakes. And don't forget about turtling. Lord knows we need all the free time we can get for turtling.
My automotive revolution would be to add a U-turn signaller. We all know about turning left, right, and backing up, but I've almost been rammed into twice this week by people making U-turns into me as I turn right onto the same road. If they had a U-turn signal, then at least I'd know they were thinking about ignoring the right-of-way in such a manner as to endanger my car.
So that's my thought.
Good god, if anyone is still reading these comment threads, the U-turn signaler is a must-make! Not to diminsh the rest of these fine inventions, but I'm most intrigued by the U-turn signaler.
I have an invention of my own - sunblock soap. You apply it in the shower in the morning and you have your sunblock on for the rest of the day. And it doesn't make you feel sticky and gross. Maybe it even makes you cleaner.
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