Sunday, May 10, 2009

Things I'm Not Terrifically Find Of: Dogs

This is, of course, an issue as old as the sun. The dog people vs. cat people rivalry is as storied as any in the history of this country, combining the bitterness the Hatfields vs. the McCoys with the intellectual repartee of Tastes Great vs. Less Filling. Few realize that the famous Douglas vs. Lincoln debates actually only mentioned slavery in passing -- it was mostly about how Lincoln's dog had been pooping all over Douglas' lawn and scaring Douglas' beloved tabby Mr. Demo-cat.

I hope I can contribute a bit more fodder to this grand national debate with the following theses. To wit:

1. Dogs smell. Cats are wonderful at keeping themselves clean. Dogs -- not so much. Their owners have to knock themselves out to bathe dogs, or they get that nasty wet-dog funk on everything within a fifty-mile radius. Cats come straight from the factory with a self-cleaning mechanism, and are so fastidious that they do it with their tongues. Can you imagine how dirty you'd have to feel before you'd be willing to clean yourself with your tongue? Cats will do it daily, no problem, usually by daintily spreading their legs and delicately licking their own anuses. That's commitment.

2. Dogs jump all over guests. Dog owners, please understand that this is not cute. It's really, really annoying. Please don't say "Oh, he likes you!" Well, then I hate him. This is not how beings of any species should introduce themselves. Unless you're Scarlett Johansson, you should never, ever react to seeing me for the first time by jumping on top of me and licking my face. It's just perhaps a bit forward.

3. A related problem with dogs is that they're unbelievable jerks. How many times have you been walking along the street, humming a song and dancing along, la di da, la di doo, and then suddenly "ARF! ARF! ARF! ARF!" And it turns out to be a dog behind a fence who's unbelievably angry because you dared walk along the sidewalk in the general vicinity of its owner's piece-of-crap house. I always try to stop and calmly explain, "Look, the whole purpose of a sidewalk is to serve as a place upon which people can walk past houses. I am fully within my right as a pedestrian. And besides, honestly, do you really think I was going to come and burglarize this house? If I were to burglarize any house on this block, I'd probably take the mangy, slobber-infested rag doll in your doghouse before trying to swipe your master's collection of dirty pans and porn movies."

And what do I get for my trouble? Same crap: "ARF! ARF! ARF!" Their owners aren't happy with this either, and usually scream at them from inside the house to shut up. Then, realizing my efforts at reasoning with the dog are for naught, I try humoring them: "Oh, my. Yes, you are very frightening. You're what, three pounds? If you were let loose, you could probably make mincemeat of my shoelaces. I'd better go burglarize a different house instead. Your owner should thank his lucky stars and give you lots of belly rubs for the way you single-handedly keep the world safe for justice and the American way by making a lot of irritating noise."

And the response? "ARF! ARF! ARF!" At what point does the dog start to think that he might not be as intimidating as he thinks he is? So, dogs are smarter than cats, eh? Well, then the SATs should be a test of who can yell the loudest at passing strangers.

4. Dogs are obsequious kiss-asses. I suppose this conflicts with the whole "Dogs are assholes" bit that I just finished writing. I'll need to amend that: Dogs have two modes: Assholish or kiss-assy. Either way, it involves asses, that round, dumb, and disgusting-in-the-center part of the body.

To strangers, dogs are assholes -- to owners, oh my God, they would literally lick their owners' assholes clean without even being asked to. They certainly spend enough time licking their owners' faces (and then their own assholes, and then back to the owners' faces -- see Thesis #1 about dogs being dirty and smelly). I think dogs would lick anything. (And yes, I've heard that dogs' mouths are as clean as an OCD germophobe, but I think this is yet another lie perpetrated by the dog-centric powers that be. Nothing that smells as bad as dog breath does could ever come from a place of cleanliness.)

Come to think of it, I think I'd rather have a dog hate me and bark at me than have it love me. At times, my friends' dogs will fall in love with me immediately and refuse to leave me alone. It's supposed to be touching, but I find it really very sad. I'm always like "Look, I'm a raging egomaniac and I even I don't think I'm THAT great." It's as if dogs have some sort of deep, all-consuming insecurity that causes them to either lash out violently or smother you with love. It's like every dog has borderline personality disorder.

The lack of self-esteem displayed by dogs really bothers me on some deep level. Cats are often affectionate, but they do it in a cooler way -- they come up and rub against you. If they don't get a response, they say, "Oh, actually, you were just in my way there. I was actually in the process of chasing an imaginary goblin." And then they run after the goblin. They go for attention in a subtle manner, and if spurned, they escape with their dignity intact.

Dogs have no dignity. They run up to you, panting, wagging their tails, getting in your face like you're a Jonas brother and they're a thirteen-year-old girl. You try to gently push them away, and then they come right back. They not only don't take rejection with dignity -- they don't take rejection at all. It doesn't compute in their feeble little minds.

I suppose this is good for some people. People often extol the loyalty of dogs, saying that they love you unconditionally and are your only true friends and yadda yadda. OK, then I guess prostitutes are the most romantic people in the world because they'll have sex with anyone. Meaning that dogs are such whores for attention that they'll love anyone, regardless of what an unlikeable prick he or she might be. So if you're incapable of gaining love from beings that have higher standards than "you must have a pulse," then yeah, I suppose a dog would be your only true friend.

Cats like their owners, but never in the overbearing way that dogs do. Cats seem more like regular animals that way. All kinds of animals can develop affection for other kinds of animals. They can hang out with them, enjoy snuggling with them, share food, etc. They never get as single-mindedly devoted as dogs do to humans. It's just not natural. No animal should willingly be so slavish to another. It's as if dogs were sad, twisted freaks created in a lab somewhere when an evil scientist accidentally spilled too much co-dependence serum into the batch.

5. Dogs poop too much. Well, that's not true. But they do have very finicky ways of pooping -- they must go outside. So the owner has to get up after a hard day, escort the dog to a exterior toilet, watch it crap, and then use a baggie to pick up their leavings. I wouldn't do this for my wife or non-existent kids, and I damn sure ain't doing it for an animal. Meanwhile, cats, who are supposedly SO finicky and prissy, have no problem with just pooping in a box full of sand. And they do it very reliably. You don't even have to train them or anything. As with their self-cleaning mechanism, the organized pooping they come with is a wonderful feature that seems to bespeak a product fully formed as a Practically Perfect Pet right out of the box. If dogs are PCs, in that they're the standard-issue pet product, then cats are Macs, better designed and more user-friendly.

So in conclusion, I believe I have proven, with great tact and impeccable reasoning, that cats are better than dogs in every conceivable way, and that all dogs should be rounded up and shot immediately. Thank you.


emily said...

Oh man, I am going to comment the crap out of this one, because I have a lot to say.
First of all, one of the reasons Casey and I get along so well is his hatred of dogs. He also hates buses (I don't really agree with this one, but whatever) and is always saying that they should load all the dogs into all the buses and drive them out of town.
An addition to point number 1: dogs eat shit. They eat shit and they roll in shit. This makes them BAD PETS.
I think you should also address some of the flaws of dog owners. The biggest flaw is the lack of dog training, of course. Another is the misconception that people love dogs. Do not tell me that your shit-covered dog wants to be petted. I am not afraid of your dog, I just do not want to pet it and you should not try to make me. Also you should not allow your dog to jump/hump/or pee on me. It is not cute or funny. You should apologize profusely and then immediately enroll your dog in obedience school. or have it put down. that was mean. I didn't mean that. Well, I sort of did. Lastly, dog owners, I understand that your dog is pathetic and desperately clingy and will pee on your bed if left alone too long, but don't bring your dog to people's houses, restaurants, parties, etc. It is also lame if you can never leave town or do anything fun because you can't leave your dog at home for more than a couple hours.

Chris E. Keedei said...

Oh yeah, dog owners really need a good long talking-to, especially the obsessive ones of which you speak who are doing way too much maintenance. They should really should have someone tell them, hey, if you really want to devote all your time and energy taking care of something, have you considered kids? Kids are just as smelly and time-consuming, but eventually they get smarter and move out.

emily said...

People do seem to like an animal that is slavishly devoted to them, but a complete jerk to everyone else. I guess it makes people feel super special and loved because their dog is willing to kill innocent people for them? Elsie would never even attempt to kill anyone for me, and that's how I like it.

pettigrj said...

Oh, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed? Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, (Ed), Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed, Ed! Ed, Ed, Chris E. Keedei, Ed, Ed, Ed. Ed. ...Ed.

Cats are bad, too. They get neurotic, which makes them do bizarre things. Like chase fake goblins. Or there's mine, who walks around with a yellow string in his mouth and meows at the same time, and then pauses every once in a while, apparently to try to lay an egg, after which it's back to the string. Or Steph's, who waits until she's comfortably asleep and then pees on her covers.

They destroy your furniture. You buy them some fancy scratching post. They walk up and sniff it, stare at you, and then calmy walk over to your brand-new reupholstered settee, and tear it to shreds. Then they stare at you again.

They're the devil's animal. They ride on broomsticks with witches. Some of them are actual witches, in cat form. They facilitate the doing of evil in general.

Dogs don't do any of the above. Well, except tear things to shreds. And get neurotic and do dumb things. They're too heavy for broomsticks, though, so that point stands.

So - dogs are better than cats because they're too heavy to be evil.

P.S. I like both dogs and cats, but I thought there needed to be an anti-cat comment. I suppose I could've done a pro-dog comment instead. Oh well. Maybe Steph'll do that.

Amy Mancini said...

I will defy my upbringing and life-long dog-hating tendencies to also offer up a few bad cat points:

1. The vomit. The vomit! Good god, the vomit! Do other cats vomit like mine? If you have cats that go outside, like I do, then it's worse. It's vomit with one blade of grass in the middle. I don't know why anyone ever coined the term, "hairball," because an orange pile of cat puke is not a cute, fluffy ball of hair. And, of course, they do whatever they can to avoid the hard floor and find a good rug to puke on.

2. My cat races into the bathroom every morning when I go in, sits on the vanity, and obsessively waves a claw-filled paw at me. I once found it cute. Now it just drives me crazy. All I want to do is sit quietly on the toilet, but no, I have one claw snagging my PJs or hooking my cheek. I admit that this is my problem and not the problem of every cat owner out there.

3. The rawring in the middle of the night (see Joe's note about the string). It's irritating enough to wake up to a cat roaring around the house with a toy mouse in its mouth. But when it's followed by the "waaaaaaaaaa" of the baby whose sleep patters dictate just how much you suffer the next day, then the cat has just crossed the line.

Dogs are bad for all the reasons everyone has already outlined, but cats sure have their flaws, too. I'm now thinking turtles might be the way to go.

steph said...

If everyone here is so pro-cat, then would anyone like a slightly used male cat? He's very pretty, and very sweet. He only has one little flaw, and I see that Joe mentioned it. He pees on me in the night.

Yes, he pees No one else. He doesn't pee on my husband. He doesn't just pee on the bed. It has to be me in the bed, with him peeing on me. What fun, quirky quality is that, oh cat lovers?

So Chris, all those months of sleeping on our couch, you were secretly hating our dog, may she rest in peace? And she loved you so much.

I have one dog and 3 cats. My dog isn't the brightest star in the universe, that's true. But he's sweet and looks at you with his puppy-dog eyes, just begging you to pet him and pay attention to him. He helps my daughter stand by allowing her to grib his fur in her tiny hands and pull to a standing position.

He is rather stinky. He can't help it--he's a dog. But he gets baths as often as we can afford them. But he also doesn't enjoy the outdoors, so he doesn't get muddy or dirty. And he doesn't bark, well, at least not that often. So my dog is a good dog. Oh, and he's loyal. Actually, I lied. I think he would drop me for anyone who had a banana or a piece of cheese.

So, I have one cat that pees on me in the night. I have one cat who is a little too obese to groom herself properly, so she gets all matted and needs to be groomed. I have one cat who loves me so much she has learned to turn on the radio on my nightstand so I have to wake up and pay attention to her at night.

So I guess if anyone's counting, it's Dog 1, Cats 0.

Disclaimer: I love all my pets equally, just as I would my children, except for the pet I love more than the others. But don't tell them that.

Chris E. Keedei said...

Oh, Maggie was one of the good ones. I mean, I'm speaking in generalities here -- there are plenty of cool dogs and plenty of lame-ass cats. But on the whole, cats are better than dogs. I will concede the puking and mewing and goblin-chasing problems with cats (I don't think peeing on a specific person is quite common enough to be considered a general fault of the species, though I admit, that is a really bad one). But to me, those cat faults are nothing compared to the four main dog problems: Poop, Smell, Kiss-Ass and Asshole (the one I had in the post about jumping up on people probably should be subsumed in the Kiss-Ass category).

emily said...

It's true that there are a lot of terrible cats out there. My mom has a terrible cat, who is annoying. And my friend Eric has a terrible cat that tries to kill me all the time. And cats that pee on you (or anything else that isn't the litter box) in the middle of the night? I don't even know what to say. I guess the problem I have with dogs is that I have to interact with them. For the most part, other peoples' cats stay in their houses and hide under the couch, while other peoples' dogs are out and about, which tends to exacerbate their flaws. So I agree that both cats and dogs have some serious flaws, the dogs' flaws are just more in my face. Also, I love my cat and she is perfect, which skews my views somewhat.

Chris E. Keedei said...

Yeah, I think that's a key point. The dogs that are a discredit to their species are the ones that are in your face (and every other body part, for that matter) when you go to their owners' houses, basically ruining your whole time there. Even if cats are in your face, it's basically just a little rub on your leg and maybe a mew. That's much more manageable than having a 100-pound smelly monster barking at you and then nuzzling your crotch.

pettigrj said...

Well, one thing's for sure - cats and dogs are powerful advertising attracters. Right now it's all cats and dogs (I'm assuming that the ad for allergy relief is pet-related). They're the first ones to dethrone my little Smurfs, which makes me sad.