Friday, February 5, 2010

I Called It!

On my favorite political blog, (terrible name, by the way, especially for those of us with a bad memory for numbers), they're advocating having a President's Question Time, like Britain's Prime Minister's Question Time:

Which I of course agree with, and signed the petition -- but dude, I called it!

My idea! Me! Me, me me me me me me! Mimi! Mi-o-my-o-me! Midi! Me-wee Herman! Me-sothelioma! Me-ter maid! MEEEEEE!!!!!!!



Amy Mancini said...

Then why, for Heaven's sake, don't we have one yet??????????????

Chris E. Keedei said...

Uh, cuz I don't do stuff. I just talk about stuff among a handful of people and then mutter about how nobody ever does anything. I'm an American, goddammit.

emily said...

I signed it! It would be great to have (although I don't remember your original blog post, I will still give you all credit if it comes to fruition).